"Some call it a mysterious method, some call it nothing short of miraculous" ……

An astounding technique that brings about positive change in the body by working on the neuromuscular system. The Bowen Technique aims to balance the whole person through touch and hands on tissue manipulation.
Practically any pain, condition or injury can be addressed and some people use Bowen therapy as a means of stress management and health maintenance.
The Bowen Technique is suitable for anyone from new born babies to the elderly and pregnant ladies.
Have an open mind and observe effectiveness of Bowen Therapy for yourself just like Bear Grylls did……
Bear Grylls the adventurer has been plagued with back pain for over 10 years and more worryingly he also suffers from high levels of cholesterol, he finds the Bowen Technique to be a very effective treatment. He quotes “I was sceptical, but wanted to keep an open mind,” says Bear Grylls. “With the slightest squiggle of the Bowen Therapists fingers, it felt like petrol was being put back in my tank and I could feel all the stress seeping away” Bear Grylls describes himself as now ‘hooked’ and has Bowen Therapy every month.